Virtualbox Brew

Vagrant is developed by Hashicorp, it is an useful tool for creating virtualised instances using Virtualbox, VMWare, AWS etc. With a simple vagrantfile, you can create uniform virtual development instances & you can also use vagrant instances to test Shell scripts, PowerShell scripts etc. It is also very useful in testing your Configuration management cookbooks/modules.

VirtualBox runs on your computer as a guest, so it thinks it is the host, but in reality, the code is not allowed to make any changes on the host, your PC. This program is very helpful for small businesses or personal use. Homebrew Docker Virtualbox (But not only VirtualBox) This formula resolves the Docker issue on AMD based MacOS (Ryzentosh). Also can be used on any Mac.

For download & more details refer:

Virtualbox is a free and awesome virtualisation solution by Oracle. You can spin up multiple instance on your Mac using it, it’s very useful when you want to spin up different Operating System(OS) instances on your Mac such as Ubuntu/Centos/Windows etc.

Virtualbox Brew

All you need is Operating System iso’s. Add the iso, set desired configuration and power up the instance. You will need to install the Operating System for first use, thereafter instance will be ready for use.

Virtualbox brewers

For download & more details refer:

Brew Virtualbox Guest Additions


Regular Method

  • Download the installer to your Mac using safari browser.
  • Double click on the installation package & follow the instructions to install VirtualBox and Vagrant


It’s said to be the missing package manager for MacOS, I can’t agree more. I found it really useful.

  • To install homebrew: Paste this command in your terminal/iterm
  • Add homebrew to your .bashrc/.bash_profile : export $PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
  • To confirm installation is successful, Open a new terminal and type: brew doctor

Now we’ll use home-brew to install VirtualBox & Vagrant.

Virtualbox Brewer

Go to terminal and type:

  • brew cask install virtualbox
  • brew cask install vagrant
  • brew cask install vagrant-manager

Virtualbox Brewing

Brew virtualbox updateVirtualbox

Virtualbox Brew

You should be able to see these applications in Launchpad.