Ps4 Remote Play On Switch

If PS4 Remote Play gains all of these features it might become a killer service for the PS4. Especially streaming the PS4 to other consoles like the Switch. In general, users on the Reddit thread tended to agree. Several users commented on how great Remote Play streaming to the Switch would be. Hi, this video shows some interesting things on the Nintendo Switch. Some do not work well but you can see the possible potential. At the moment you would be. Thanks to a Reddit user posting the survey, we know that Sony has asked respondents if they’d be interested in using Remote Play to stream their PS4 library to their Nintendo Switch, Android TV, and Apple TV devices. At the moment, Remote Play is only available via phones, PC, and the PS Vita.

With the


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Switch Remote Play Pc

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Ps4 Remote Play On Switch

How To Play PS4 Games On PC Without PS4

Then follow the steps:

Step 1:

Step 3: After connecting the capture card, laptop, and PS4, you can run the game capture app. To accept the signals the game capture card will take a few seconds. However, if there is any problem in receiving signals and connecting with the capture card, then you should go with the manual process to set the device. For this, go to the

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How To Play PS4 Games On Android And iPhone?

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The Bottom Line

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A new Sony survey is asking PlayStation 4 owners whether they'd be keen on Remote Play on Nintendo Switch.

The appropriately-named redditor YouRedditHereFirst revealed the details of the survey, which asks a raft of questions about Remote Play, as well as images of the questions.

Remote Play lets you stream your PS4 games to a raft of devices, including a PS Vita, PC or smartphone, that are also connected to your broadband network. There's DualShock 4 wireless controller suppport, too.

The headline question is this:

'Ability to PS4 Remote Play on more devices (eg able to play on Nintendo Switch, Apple TV or Android TV).'

The user then selects how appealing they'd find that, choosing from five options.

Meanwhile, other questions posed by the survey suggest Sony is thinking about allowing Remote Play on a device that's not connected to the internet, allowing Remote Play without a PS4 connected to the internet, enabling access to PS1 and PS2 games, releasing a slim/portable DualShock controller that's easier to carry on-the-go, and letting you connect other controllers, such as an Xbox controller or mouse and keyboard.

Of course, this is just a survey, and Sony may never action anything mentioned here, let alone release the Remote Play app on Nintendo Switch. But the survey does provide us with a snapshot of Sony's thinking on the future of Remote Play, and it sounds pretty interesting.